Do you send a Thank-You note after a stay in someone's home?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Well, Hello there : )

Good morning! I say this because it is exactly 1am and I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea to start my own blog. Especially not at this hour. It's not as if I have a lack of opinion in reality. Moving on: i titled this blog Uncommon Sense for a reason. Mainly because there is no such thing, but also because there a re a few innate things that we all tend to just "know" at times we would least expect it. For example, why is it that when we see someone mopping a floor, we take care as not to slip on the wet surface. But when there's a Caution-Wet Floor sign, we keep walking just as fast and then act surprised when we slip? Same goes for the cashier's lights at the grocery store. We can see someone who is obviously getting ready to go home, i.e. turns off the light, puts up the "closed" sign, even going as far as to remove the register from the drawer for counting, and some idiot will still go up to the register, lay their items on the conveyor, and THEN ask "Are you open?". On the other hand we will, at times, know the exact answer to things without a question ever being asked. The tension in a room can be felt and touched as if it were a piece of cold steel, just as well as the happiness emitting from a group of people can create its own ray of sunshine on an otherwise gloomy space. We feel it no matter what else we may have going on, but still don't ask "Why?".
Yes, my friends. These are the types of things that keep me up at night. So, to end this little tidbit, I give my odd queries to you to sleep on so I myself can get some shuteye.